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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Eggs for Seeds

I took two pomegranates to my neighbor. We traded my jumbo fruit for two of their fresh chicken eggs harvested this morning from a backyard coop. They have had chickens years before the laws against farm animals in unincorporated Sacramento suburban homes changed to allow raising chickens. My neighborhood consists of predominately USSR immigrants that have gardens and livestock flourishing in our quarter-acre yards. Every since the blow up of the economy many homes have live fowl and gardens. It’s nice the Sacramento government finally approve of people raising their own food.
Three of the eight houses on our cul-de-sac share fruit and veg with other suburban farmers like me. I have a small orchard consisting of nine mature trees. I’ve trained the orange and tangerine to yield fruit  January through March.  You know you are living in California if you can pick a sweet orange off your tree on a crisp New Year’s Day—frost on the leaves and the sun on your back. Tartarian cherry and Bing cherry are ripe May and June.  Blueberries June. Blackberries July. Almonds August. Fuji Apples August through September. Pomegranates end the season in September and October.  My farm is blessed.
I have a black thumb for gardening mainly due to my complete lack of interest in hard work. Ask my cousin Cindy. She slaves over her tomatoes, zucchini, cukes, peppers, onions, watermelons and beans. Not to mention the work she goes through to prep the soil before and after planting. I am more than happy to take the canned vegetables she makes off her hands every fall.
I have learned herbs (which are tasty weeds) and trees are tended by the master gardener— God. I trim trees once every two years, put a hose on the roots when HE doesn’t bring rain, and pick the bounty. I love this arrangement.
Today’s Menu:
Breakfast: Hot oatmeal and almond milk. Tea Earl Grey Hot with honey.
Snack: Pomegranate Seeds
Lunch: Trader Joe’s Frozen Channa Masala (360 calories Vegetarian Gluten Free)
Snack:  Home grown Fuji apples
Dinner: Evangelism Committee meeting at Garcia’s Mexican Restaurant, Madison Avenue.  No calories in church events. Chips, salsa, Seafood enchiladas with black beans. Ice Tea

Snack: Chocolate covered cranberries

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